The Shocking Truth: Tornado 1 Cran 0

When driving a 28 ft. U-Haul truck through Kansas in August, 1977, during a driving rain storm at night, I was blown off the road by a small tornado. I never saw it coming. The truck rolled about 4 or 5 times. I felt like a ping pong ball in a clothes dryer. I only suffered minor injuries and 2 cracked ribs (discovered the next day when I sneezed). The truck suffered considerable more damage. The cargo bed was ripped from the cab. After 4 days in the hospital I was to fly to Washington State where I was moving for a new job. The airplane was late coming in. It never left. It suffered engine trouble and was grounded. I had to wait for another plane to come in. About this time I was wondering if I was ever going to leave this state. I finally got to Washington State (Gee, Toto, I not in Kansas any more) and started my new job. I stayed there one year and then accepted a job at LSU-Shreveport. I taught biology for 39 years at LSUS before I retired in July, 2017.